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Vacation in the Philippines Jan. 2009

In the house of Kirsten's family

Michelle and me have our dinner after a long day

Jay at the kitchen and the cat was hungry

Michelle with my inaanak Martina

Hot springs in San Benon near Irosin
the hot water (70 degree) is from the near Bulusan volcano

many children of the family

swimming and shower after swimming

wonderful warm water
it was a nice day after swimming and eating we go home by bulaso

Sunday service in Barcelona, I was invited by Mrs. Sarah Ernatio

sunday school in the church in Barcelona and singing during service

I was lighting the candle for our partnership

Pastor Lemuel Igdanes is our preacher today

after the service I received many gifts for me and my family
and for our Jakobus church in Germany

Zyra, Jay and others were singing and playing after the service again

our lunch after the service in the Pastor's rooms

Pastor Lemuel and me

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